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Luxury Teeth - Vanity is a Fuck


From the good old U.S of A, Luxury Teeth's latest single, "Vanity is a Fuck," is like a lightning bolt of punk energy straight to the face – in the best way possible.

 It's the musical equivalent of chugging an energy drink while flipping off societal beauty standards. Imagine you're at their gig, surrounded by a crowd that's as diverse as a bag of Skittles, and suddenly, this anthem blasts through the speakers, daring you to be anything but yourself. With lyrics that shout, "Vanity is a fuck,Tattoo your face instead “ it's a rebellious battle cry against conformity, delivered with a side of cheeky defiance.

Musically, it's a whirlwind of pop punk meets hardcore, like if The Toy Dolls and Black Flag had a love child raised on a diet of Red Bull and attitude. You'll find yourself thrashing about like a marionette on fire, and loving every minute of it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg – "Vanity is a Fuck" is just the appetizer for Luxury Teeth's upcoming album, "Live & Dead (Studio)," set to drop like a bombshell of punk goodness. So, grab your combat boots and get ready to kick some shit, because Luxury Teeth are here to remind you that being yourself is punk as hell.

Review by Thomas Imposter