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Forklift Assassins - Wheel Man


Australia's 'Forklift Assassins' unleash their latest  rampage with 'Wheel Man,' a sonic rollercoaster that hits harder than a kangaroo kick. This trio from Melbourne proves that they've traded politeness for pounding drums, ear-splitting bass, and guitars that scream louder than a Tasmanian devil on a caffeine bender.

Imagine racing through the outback on a forklift, guitars blazing, vocals snarling – that's 'Wheel Man.' Forklift Assassins channel the spirit of rock legends like The Ramones, The Misfits, and Motorhead, delivering a musical punch that hits harder than a drop bear falling from a eucalyptus tree. It's as if they've captured the rebellious energy of a punk gig in a beer-soaked Melbourne pub and injected it directly into their sound.

'Wheel Man' is not just a song; it's a wild ride, a musical joyride through the back alleys of rock, punk, and metal. So buckle up, brace yourself for the expletive-laden journey, and let Forklift Assassins take you on a face-melting, ear-ringing adventure – because who said punk can't be bloody hilarious and wildly exhilarating at the same time?

Review by Thomas Imposter