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UF - Lula


"Lula," the latest auditory manifestation from the collaborative synergy of German and British artists in 'UF,' is an enchanting composition that transcends conventional musical boundaries. 

Within this auditory canvas, darkness and mystery intertwine, as ethereal vocals and the haunting resonance of a violin create a palette of emotive richness. The drumbeat, akin to a cryptic code, pulsates through the composition, adding an enigmatic layer that resonates in the depths of your consciousness. It gradually builds, echoing in the obscurity, culminating in a chaotic crescendo that leaves an indelible mark on the senses.

'UF,' heralded as a 'power metal techno' duo, unveils their experimental brilliance in their debut EP, 'Unknown,' set to be released on April 10th. This collection promises an exploration of uncharted sonic territories, offering four tracks that embark on a journey of unadulterated sonic warfare. As the collaborative brainchild of German experimental techno artist OAKE and British producer Samuel Kerridge, 'UF' challenges the boundless creativity that emerges when artistic forces unite.

Review by Thomas Imposter