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MUSIC RECOMMENDATION: Le Spectre & Lewca - Gaslight (Video)

The other day, I read in the newspaper, that "gaslighting" (the act of manipulating someone so as to make them question their own sanity / behaviour that is misleading and deceitful) is the word of the year. So, how apt that, on the same day, this new track, Gaslight, arrived from Le Spectre & Lewca.

Gaslight is a terrific recording, the type of thing I get out of bed for. Musically, the main influence is torn from the pages of the 2-Tone hymn book, but there's the added bonus of fuzzy electro, grumbling vocals, voice samples and that contemporary ability to pull-no-punches with the expletive words. Sweary, catchy, political and even a little humorous......oh! A rather brilliant hybrid which certainly gets my vote, absolutely love it. There is a video, but you get the fuller experience with the audio. 

I cannot recommend this enough.

Review by Skreen B